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Posts Tagged ‘manifesting abundance

Manifesting Wealth

I know this seems to be the hardest out of all things to truly manifest.  We can think about it, write affirmations, visualise and still nothing happens.  That is because of our inner relationship with money.
It’s not necessarily that we think we are not worthy, it’s more often true that we think we think money is bad.  That may sound ridiculous but a lot of us have negative tags attached to money; we where told that the wealthy are ‘filthy rich’, that anyway who was ‘loaded’ must be dishonest, and the favourite – that anyone who does a ‘spiritual’ day job should not be paid well.  They should exist on thin air because essentially we think they or their work is good and extreme wealth is bad.  So we don’t go there.

We have conflicting views and unsurprisingly attract conflicting results.  We have to learn to turn it around and see it as something to enhance our lives.  Something that is not bad and therefore will not turn us into a bad person.

If you think this can’t possibly be the case, try this little exercise out.  Get out a really large note, as large as you can manage, and put it in your wallet.  How do you feel?  Do you feel uncomfortable?  Are you worried about losing it?  Are you worried about spending it?  You really have to assess how you feel.  Any negative feeling is not going to support your wishes to bring forth a fortune.

It’s time to change your relationship with ‘the green stuff’ right now.  Leave that note in your purse and let it be the key that switches you to a different mindset everytime you see it.  Let it make you feel rich and worthy and in receipt of life’s abundance.

As I’ve mentioned in other articles, this may seem like you’re lying at the beginning, but stick with it as this is the key to freedom, the belief that you already have everything you desire and that you are worthy and most importantly, feel comfortable around large sums of money.

This is very important.  Just try this, and keep going, I guarantee you will start to see a shift in your thinking and then you can really visualise money coming into your bank account, as you will not be surprise, overwhelmed or shocked when it does.  And that surely is the key to an abundantly wealthy life.

7 Free Lessons from the Teachers of The Secret